GTA V Exclusive Content DLC Unlocker

If you just want the download, here's the file courtesy of Wayback Machine.

This was actually from gta5-mods, but unfortunately, the link no longer works and just redirects you to the homepage. I believe this is due to legal reasons and they had to take it down. But fortunately, Wayback Machine managed to capture the page and the file before it was taken down, so it's still possible to download it.

Here's the description from the page.

This plugin unlocks Exclusive Content DLC for all users, which was previously only available to users who bought the PC version after already owning it on Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3. This mod unlocks the exclusive content in single player. More info about the content at Rockstar Support.


Extract files to: C:\Users\%YourUserName%\Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA V\Profiles\%RandomNumbers%

You'll get the message after loading the game.

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